Recall Statistics in the USA

In 2023, over 84 million units of children's products were recalled
 In 2022, the net premiums written by product liability insurance amounted to ~$4.3 billion
Over 320 consumer goods had been recalled by manufacturers due to various issues
23,000 deaths
31,000,000 injuries
Every year consumer products are involved in the deaths of an estimated 23,000 Americans and injuries to 31 million others. These injuries, deaths, and associated property damages cost the American public billions of dollars annually.

Meet Triciti

Our revolutionary patent-pending technology enables you to establish direct connection with your customers in no time.
Schedule a Demo

Identify and connect with your 
customers with Triciti

Respond to potential recall threats in minutes. Save lives and your brand reputation.
Traditional Registration
Triciti Registration

How Triciti works

Triciti sticker is placed on the product
Triciti sticker is placed on the product
The product is delivered to the customer
The product is delivered to the customer
The customer removes the Triciti sticker
The customer removes the Triciti sticker
The product is located and the customer is instantly registered
The product is located and the customer is instantly registered
1 second to register.

You heard us. 1 second.

Up to 90% registration rate

The highest in the industry.

Schedule a Discovery Call today

Our team member will walk you through all the details of our solution and help you grow your business.