Manufacturing the data you need

Our proprietary patent-pending technology allows OEMs to increase product registration rates by up to 90%.
A hand detaching a Triciti sticker off a washing machine

Forget about registration cards and long online forms

Invented and launched in 2023, our ground-breaking technology disrupts the registration industry. Your customers will register their purchase in less than 1 second.

  • Registration cards
    Registration cards
    30 mins
    to fill out and mail
    registration rate
  • Online Forms
    Online forms
    5-7 mins
    to fill out and submit
    registration rate
  • Triciti
    Triciti octagon
    1 second
    to register
    registration rate

Get to know your customers without changing their behavior

We help OEMs maximize registrations and interactions with their customers.

Schedule a Demo
Happy Customer
Christian Johnes

2900 El Camino Real Dr.
Margaretville, CA 90239
Phone: 555-239-3901
Email: [email protected]

We are a data factory that feeds your enterprise

Map illustration
Happy Customer
John Smith

120 Willow Drive,
Chestertown, IL 48239
[email protected]

Happy customer - male
Jacob Ricks

2900 Chestnut Dr.
Ashton, IN 33231
[email protected]

Happy customer
Eva Duvalle

2900 El Camino Real Dr.
Rochester, AL 409172
[email protected]

Happy customer Happy customer - male Happy Customer Happy Customer Young woman smiling
  • Invented in
    Cutting-edge, innovative technology
  • 1
    1 second to register.
    You heard us.
    1 second.
  • up to
    registration rate -
    the highest in the

Schedule a Discovery Call today

Our team member will walk you through all the details of our solution and help you grow your business.